Introduction to the 10 Element Fantasy/Sci-Fi Book Review System
By John Adams Theibert Jr
I have created my own unique system of doing reviews based on a 5-star rating system and 10-elements of storytelling. I am currently reviewing classic and popular fantasy and science fiction novels. I might review an indie author occasionally, preferably with stories including dragons. I don’t just give cursory opinions. I delve deeply into 10 elements of storytelling. Each of the 10 elements has 2 attributes for a total of 20 attributes that I consider for each review. Below is the system I have come up with for giving reviews for full-length fantasy and science fiction novels:
Review Method: This is a comprehensive review method. In my reviews, I use a 10-element system to assign a star amount to this story out of a total of 5 stars. Each element has 2 attributes that are each worth 0.25 stars. Each element is worth a total of 0.5 stars. There are 5 primary elements and 5 secondary elements. There are 3 subtotal stars in the primary elements, obtained by adding the primary elements and rounding up. There are 2 subtotal stars in the secondary elements, obtained by adding the secondary elements and rounding down. To obtain the total number of stars for the rating of the book I add the subtotal stars from the primary elements and the secondary elements.
When I write reviews, I will refer to each half star of the 5-star rating system as individual elements of the story. The 5-primary elements of storytelling that I use are: Idea, Plot, Characters, Setting, and Theme. The 5 secondary elements that I use are: Style, Substance, Grammar, Essence, and Impression. Idea has the 2 attributes, Hook and World; Plot has the 2 attributes, Conflict and Climax; Characters has the 2 attributes, Development and Dimension; Setting has the 2 attributes, Scenes and Senses; Theme has the 2 attributes, Lesson and Epiphany; Style has the 2 attributes, Logic and Pacing; Substance has the 2 attributes, Skeleton and Teeth; Grammar has the 2 attributes, Sentence Structure and Word Usage; Essence has the 2 attributes, Emotion and Memory; and Impression has the 2 attributes, Opinion and Talent. As my reviews are not critiques, I do not go into much detail, not only to ward off spoilers but also for brevity’s sake.
The five primary elements of writing could be equated to the five primary elements of nature as follows: Idea is like Air, Plot is like Fire, Characters is like Water, Setting is like Earth, and Theme is like Spirit. The five secondary elements of writing could be equated to the five secondary elements of nature as follows: Style is like Mist, Substance is like Bone, Grammar is like Wood, Essence is like Metal, and Impression is like Shadow.
The element idea, the air element of storytelling, is ordinarily developed while breathing in deeply and contemplating, looking up at the clouds, or watching the wind blow the trees. The idea of the story can be divided into 2 attributes, hook and world. The hook of the story is what gets you to read the story after the first few sentences. The world of the story is what gets you to read it after the first few chapters. They are both just as important. A good hook can intrigue, interest, or motivate someone about reading the book. However, if the book does not have a hook it might be put down after the first paragraph. A book with a good world will enlighten, immerse, or fascinate the reader with the story. However, if the book does not have a good world, someone, reading it might grow tired after the first few chapters because of lack of continued reinforcement of interest.
The element plot, the fire element of storytelling, is the element that starts with furious combat and ends with explosive power. When coming up with a plot often a heated argument is involved between interested parties. A quest or mission is undertaken by a hero. And a journey ensues which is full of perilous danger. Ultimately the hero or protagonist must face the villain or antagonist. Plot can be broken up into the attributes conflict and climax. Conflict is the attribute of plot that drives the actions of the hero, their companions, the villain, and their minions. A book with good conflict can cause tension to increase and will provide enthusiasm for the reader beyond the first couple of chapters, however; a book without a good amount of conflict will not create tension or increase enthusiasm and the reader might feel bored and want to quit. Climax is the attribute of plot that occurs at or near the end of the story. Climax brings resolution to the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist and their forces. A good climax can spike adrenaline for the reader and be a payout for their investment of time and energy in reading a full-length novel. Contrariwise, an anti-climactic ending to a book can make the reader’s fulfillment feel deflated and might cause them to regret having read the story. Any chance that they might read a sequel will be greatly reduced if the climax is not good.
The element characters, the water element of storytelling, is dynamic and fluid. Characters interact in dialogue and actions like water flowing from tributaries into streams and rivers. Characters provide the life’s blood of the story coursing through its veins and pulsating through its arteries. Characters have a vital part to play in the life of the story as vital as water is to life itself. Although it is said that characters make this story or the characters are the story, it is more accurate to say that characters saturate the story with life. Characters are also as different from one another as the different kinds of water channels that flow throughout the land. Some characters are full of action or drama just like some rivers have rapids. Some characters are the central players in the story and the broad main river of the story. Some characters have only small parts to play and trickle into the story quickly and then are absorbed. Some stories have many characters and thus they produce an intricate interplay that delivers the flowing waters of storytelling.
The element setting, the earth element of storytelling, is the structural frame and support, backdrop and foreground, landscape and cityscape, in which the story happens. Like the ground underneath our feet, the setting cannot be taken for granted. It is a feature of storytelling that should be as rich and varied as the Earth itself. Stories can be set in many different places such as forests, deserts, tundras, mountains, glaciers, or volcanic regions. To truly appreciate a setting not only should it be vividly visually understood, but also all five senses should be brought to bear to describe it and bring the setting to life. Forests have many fragrances, flavors, sounds, and textures that are particularly related to them. Such as the scent of pine, the sound of woodpeckers, the sweetness of honeysuckle, the prickliness of pine-cones. Thus, the setting is an integral and essential part of storytelling.
The element theme, the spirit element of storytelling provides, a way to reach Nirvana, Enlightenment, Zen, or any higher state of consciousness within the story. The theme is the central truth of the story its lesson, its benefit, its depth of understanding. This ethereal element, theme, of storytelling, is the soul of the story. It allows the story to have a greater purpose and meaning to go beyond the physical realm and to establish itself as an icon of greater perception. Sometimes a theme delves so deeply into the consciousness that it begins to interact with the reader’s subconscious and provides an epiphany. These epiphanies completely change their reader’s perception of the world, their life, or nature in general. Thus, the theme of the story possibly provides the greatest and longest lasting effect on the reader of any of the elements of storytelling.
The element style, the mist element of storytelling, is the authors own individual fingerprint that is distinct and as unique as a snowflake, or as varied and intangible as cloud forms. The logic part of the style gives the story a reasonable transition from one form to another, even as clouds change shape and move between forms in clear and distinct transitions. A story with good logic will transition from one part to the next without making us scratch our heads. The pacing part of the story gives a speed to this transition and if the pacing is good then it will not seem to stagnate but will flow at a comfortable pace from one part of the story to another.
The element substance, the bone element of storytelling, is the way that all the parts of the story fit together as a whole, like how bones in the human body are connected to hold the whole body together, and how the story affects the reader’s own life story. A story with a good skeleton will seem well structured after reading the whole story. The teeth of the story are the way the author shows that the substance of the story is controversial or provocative in some way like a dog or bear showing its teeth to intimidate its enemies or encourage its friends. A story with good teeth will provoke the reader’s imagination with a premise that makes the reader question there believes or worldview, and is said to have sharp teeth.
The element grammar, the wood element of storytelling, is the element out of which the author carves a story, and is as flexible and as fragile as wood. If an author has good knowledge of grammar, then their sentence structure and word usage will fit together in the story like the pieces of a well-crafted kitchen cabinet or a chest-of-drawers. However, if the story has poor grammar it will be like the doors to the cabinets don’t close properly or the drawers to the chest-of-drawers get stuck shut and can’t be opened easily.
The element essence, the metal element of storytelling, is the element that is formed after the reader invests time and energy in the story. The emotions experienced in the story and the memories gained in the story are forged out of the raw ore that the story contains. The emotions can be strong as steel or soft and beautiful as gold or might reflect the reader’s personality like a silver mirror. The memories in the story might be as long lasting and incorruptible as platinum or as profound and useful as copper. A story with good essence will garner emotions and memories in the reader that will persist long after the book is read, which the reader can enjoy for years to come, like fine jewelry or a handy tool.
The element impression, the shadow element of storytelling, is the element that gives the reader a silhouette of the story in retrospect. The reader will have an impression of the author’s talent and will form an opinion of their future to continue reading the author’s other works. A story that leaves a good impression will be like a story that was crafted by shadow puppets yet was still crisp and easy to follow with all the positive aspects of all the other elements intact. If the story has a lasting impression it will cast a long shadow and will overshadow many other less impressive stories.
On the following pages are some reviews that I did using my 10-Elements of Fantasy and Science Fiction Book Review System. There is also a template at the end of this section for you to use if you want to do reviews with my system. Some of the first reviews I did only used the 5 primary elements of storytelling before I came up with the 5 secondary elements.