My Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment Interpretation
An interpretation of the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment by John Adams Theibert Jr.
This article refers to the article
I would like to propose a more plausible interpretation of the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment.
At detection at Time 2 the quantum entanglement of the photons is lost:
The experiment shows that the twin photon at Time 4 reflects “which path” information to correlate with the pattern that forms at Time 2, but this is because the twin photon that goes on to Time 4 is not interrupted causally. If we change the path that the twin photon was on to not correlate with the pattern that formed at Time 2, the pattern that formed at Time 2 will not be affected.
This is a modified experiment of the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment but it would show that causality only moves from the past to the future. The actual Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment only shows that non interrupted causality can be interpreted as temporally reversed causality.
Temporally reversed causality is the use of past information to make a decision in the future that would change the past information that you used to make the decision in the future, thus, destroying the original past information from which you based your original decision. This would create a paradox where you based your original decision on past information that no longer exists.
Therefore, I propose that time is quantized so that it has indices that are like a universal time code. The photons use this time index to behave as quantum entangled partners and thus once detected the time index is used to create a uninterrupted causal relationship it no longer has a temporal relationship. Therefore, the behavior of the idler photon will only line up with entanglement if causality is not interrupted with past detection information from the signal photon. This interpretation thus, preserves causality.
This interpretation also preserves locality because if an independent temporal time code is used to synchronized the quantum entangled photons no faster than light speed information transfer is required before or after detection of the signal photon. The photons can get their quantum entanglement by referring to the local time index, which is like a perfect clock inside each photon, which tells the photons what quantum time it is!
The modified version of the experiment is located in this link: Trapped Idler Photons Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment.
Therefore, I believe I have salvaged Einstein’s interpretation of quantum entanglement with a new fresh look at this experiment.