Review Title: {A Whimsical Flight of Fantasy}

John Theibert
5 min readFeb 15, 2018


Posted: Thursday, March 8, 2018

Review of {Steelheart} by {Brandon Sanderson}

A comprehensive review by John Adams Theibert Jr.

Review Method: In this review I will use a 10-element system to assign a star amount to this story out of a total of 5 stars. Each element has 2 components that are each worth 0.25 stars. Each element is worth a total of 0.5 stars. There are 5 primary elements and 5 secondary elements. There are 3 subtotal stars in the primary elements, obtained by adding the primary elements and rounding up. There are 2 subtotal stars in the secondary elements, obtained by adding the secondary elements and rounding down.

The Primary Elements: Idea, Plot, Characters, Setting, & Theme

The Idea (The Air Element) — hook and world: {The hook of this story was quite a blast, literally. The world was quite extensive and surprisingly resilient to great destructive forces.} Air element interpretation of the Idea: {The sunset made a brilliant red, orange, and yellow display on the clouds, which coated the sky like blobs of fluorescent paint.} Stars for the idea: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Plot (The Fire Element) — conflict and climax: {The conflict in this story was supremely intense and devastating. The climax was a cliffhanger to the end with quite a satisfying delivery.} Fire element interpretation of the Plot: {The roman candle was far more powerful than the fireworks enthusiasts had anticipated, shooting off a dazzling display of colorful blasts that went out of control and lit all their other fireworks ablaze.} Stars for the plot: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Characters (The Water Element) — development and dimension: {The characters of this story were developed into crisp, clean, and compelling sculptures; each distinct and charismatic in their own way. The characters’ dimension each had weight, depth, and complexity as they traversed the story arc, like a pride of lions tearing through a dense jungle, trying to run down and then take down an elusive giant elephant.} Water element interpretation of the Characters: {The white-water rapids were off limits to everyone, yet some daredevils still braved the cat 6 monsters, nonetheless.} Stars for the characters: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Setting (The Earth Element) — scenes and senses: {The scenes were skillfully depicted in dynamic and vivid ways that made them come to life during action and exploration scenes. Not many senses were used, though many were implied indirectly, yet taste and smell were not explored very well.} Earth element interpretation of the Setting: {The sports fans watched the dirt bike race, from the stands. The fans were occasionally sprayed with mud so they could not enjoy their food and beverages since dirt got in them.} Stars for the setting: [0.25] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Theme (The Spirit Element) — lesson and epiphany: {The lesson of this story is that you should never give up on revenge no matter how much collateral damage you do because, in the end, it all works out for the best. The epiphany in this story is that superheroes’ weaknesses can be as varied and enigmatic as their superpowers.} Spirit element interpretation of the Theme: {The vengeful spirit haunted the closed down amusement park, sporadically starting up the rides that had been shut down for years.} Stars for the theme: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

Subtotal stars for the Primary Elements (always rounding up), [3] stars out of 3 stars.

The Secondary Elements: Style, Substance, Grammar, Essence, & Impression.

The Style (The Mist Element) — logic and pacing: {The logic of this story was internally consistent, but if compared to reality; broke down on closer examination, though lingering questions were addressed at the end of the story. The pacing was spot on; no wasting time or speeding through important parts of the story.} Mist element interpretation of the Style: {The green lime soda’s effervescence tingled and tickled the nose of its imbiber to the point that he sneezed and dropped his can, spraying and spilling about half of the sweet and tart beverage, before he dove from the couch to rescue his wayward drink.} Stars for the style: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Substance (The Bone Element) — skeleton and teeth: {The skeleton of this story is quite strong and well put together. The teeth of this story have long sharp fangs that can pierce both skin and sinew, since the story is quite original and oozes with controversy.} Bone element interpretation of the Substance: {The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep into the old abandon mine and came across a snarling rabid vampire skeleton, foaming at the mouth and baring long jagged fangs.} Stars for the substance: [] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Grammar (The Wood Element) — sentence structure and word usage: {Grammar kept a low profile. No sentence structure or word usage issues were apparent.} Wood element interpretation of the Grammar: {The backyard deck was used often for grill outs and as a meeting place after backyard activities were over. The deck still looked new even after 5 years of repeated use.} Stars for grammar: [] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Essence (The Metal Element) — emotion and memory: {The most emotional part of the story was the hook. You will soon find out what I mean if you start reading this book. The most memorable part of this story was the climax. It was so visceral and shocking that it burns an indelible image in your brain. If you are into that then read on to the end.} Metal element interpretation of the Essence: {The blacksmith forged an exact replica of an Ulfberht sword, quenching it in oil then pulling the flaming sword out of the tank to inspect and admire it in the chill of the night.} Stars for the essence: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

The Impression (The Shadow Element) — opinion and talent: {My opinion of this story is that it is quite a fun and enjoyable adventure. This author seems to channel his story from some unseen mysterious source, which shines inside his eyes like palantíri; impressive talent. } Shadow element interpretation of the Impression: {The great monstrous shadow of a giant cat from the torch lit stairwell scared off the intruders so that the small fluffy cat that emerged from the steps did not have to employ her claws as a last resort.} Stars for the impression: [0.5] stars out of 0.5 stars.

Subtotal stars for the Secondary Elements (always rounding down) [] stars out of 2 stars.

Conclusion: {This story was quite fun and enthralling. It had me guessing as to how it would end all the way to the finale. I recommend it fondly.}

Grand total stars for the story — primary elements and secondary elements: [5] stars out of 5 stars.

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