John Theibert
8 min readNov 18, 2019

Section I: Implications of the Super-Fractalon Field Hypothesis

Space and time could have a super-fractalon relationship with each other. This would mean that when space is a singularity time is a three-dimensional field and when time is a singularity space is a three-dimensional field. The three-dimensional fields are called a plurality. From the perspective of three-dimensional space, time would be in negative dimensions and from the perspective of three-dimensional time, space would be in negative dimensions.

Negative dimensions are used to show that information is conserved because a zeroth dimensional object would not conserve information. If the lower numbers than zero are used, such as negative numbers for lower dimensions than zero, then information can be conserved between dimensions if dimensions transition with a super-fractalon basis to allow a continual dimensional framework. Continual transitions of the dimensional framework are called quantum bangs and are proposed to happen every quantum time to cause time and space to interact and produce the phenomenon of motion given off by quantum banging or one quantum bang every quantum time. Since motion would require information to be conserved for a super-fractalon basis to be considered it would need to have access to negative dimensions.

Negative dimensions are only considered to occur for higher dimensional states than three since in the present time, time is a virtual singularity or a very short linear segment, the quantum length. For higher dimensions than three, keeping a present point of view, to look into the future or the past would require negative dimensions because they have to be nested with the present time virtual singularity for future or past times. Since this creates a loop that refers to negative dimensions at both ends of the present time, using the convention that the past’s dimensions are negative inverse integer dimensions makes them bend around the outside of the present time and the future’s dimensions are just negative integers which cause them to be nested in the inside of the present time keeping the past’s dimensions separated from the future’s dimensions.

The remainder of this chapter will focus on the present time perspective within three dimensions, but it helps to designate the differences between negative dimensions and virtual singularities so they are not regarded as the same thing. This arrangement of time and space as super-fractalon inverses of each other would happen during the quantum banging phenomenon every quantum time.

The particle-wave duality of nature might be caused by quantum banging, in that during the three-dimensional time the universe would be in a wave state, and during three-dimensional space, the universe would be in a particle state. These states would alternate back and forth every quantum time as time and space alternate from one being three-dimensional and the other linear to the other being three-dimensional and the other linear every quantum time from the present times perspective in three-dimensions.

The basic implication of this relationship would be that there might be a virtual speed of light, which is less than the actual speed of light, but if reached for a particle, such as an electron, would cause the particle to skip a quantum time, like a round flat stone skipping over a pond. This would cause the particle to run into itself in the future creating a shockwave, reminiscent of a sonic boom, but it would be an antimatter boom.

Thinking about a convex lens, we can say that the focal point is a zeroth dimension, and the image of an object is in the negative dimensions, with the object in the positive dimensions. The image is an upside-down mirror image of the object and the image moves in the opposite direction as the object. This means that an electron moving at the virtual speed of light would intersect its future self, which would be moving in the opposite direction, causing a complete stopping of movement as their velocities would cancel out. Thus, all kinetic energy would be converted into antimatter, for an electron moving at the virtual speed of light, or matter for a positron moving at the virtual speed of light.

The particle would end-up in the singularity of itself in the future and might create a bunch of antimatter particles from the conversion of kinetic energy to mass. This might be a way of generating antimatter that could be used as an alternative fuel.

When thinking of time vs super time, time might be thought of as the assimilation of transformed space, and super time might be thought of as the accretion of dimensionalities. This is why they go in different directions. Time seems to be going into the future because the assimilation of transformed space snapshots during quantum banging creates an inertial reference frame in which movement is generated by comparison to adjacent quantum times.

The quantum time in the future adjacent to the present quantum time is moving slower than the present quantum time, and the quantum time in the past adjacent to the present quantum time is moving faster than the present quantum time. This makes the inertial reference frame of the present refer to the future as slower and the past as faster, thus, the movement vector in the present time points to the future.

Super time goes into the past from the future because the accretion of dimensionalities forms the basis for the accumulation of time and space for higher dimensions than three. Such accumulation would necessarily stack time and space snapshots from the future on top of ones that existed in the past pushing the past away from the present like a conveyor belt moving snapshots of the future away from the present time into the past.

Super time refers to a super relative reference frame, which operates in higher dimensions then space and time, thus, from the perspective of a higher dimensional state, snapshots from the future move to the present time, then pass into the past and continue to move away from the present time into the past.

So since we know that we have three dimensions of space and apparently time is linear, if there is a super-fractalon relationship between space and time, then, if we apply that relationship to space and time we get time with three dimensions and space with one dimension. The super-fractalon relationship between space and time is the basic supposition of the Super-Fractalon Field Hypothesis.

The supposition suggests that the basic unit of length in three-dimensional space, the Planck length, can be converted into the smallest unit of time in linear dimensional time or the quantum time. The basic unit of time in three-dimensional time, the Planck time, can be converted into the smallest unit of length in linear dimensional space or the quantum length. This is possible because Planck units are at a one to one ratio, thus, no conversion factor is required, or the conversion factor is equal to one.

This supposition characterizes the universe as a dimensionality alternating between the two different dimensional states — in parentheses — (three-dimensional space and linear dimensional time) and (three-dimensional time and linear dimensional space.) Thus, the quantum length and quantum time are the virtual singularities of linear dimensional space and linear dimensional time respectively and the Planck length cubed and the Planck time cubed are the virtual pluralities of three-dimensional space and three-dimensional time respectively.

Since the time-virtual-singularity and the space-virtual-plurality are the same numbers they can be set equal to each other, and since the space-virtual-singularity and the time-virtual-plurality are the same numbers they can be set equal to each other as well. Virtual is used to denote a value that can be used as a substitute for supposed placeholder values like zero and infinity for this context.

When we have three dimensions of time and one dimension of space we would have negative three spatial dimensions, which would be in the positive time dimensions. That means that when we have a single time dimension and three spatial dimensions, we would have negative three-dimensional time. The singularity would encompass the negative dimensions so as the singularities stack within linear time or linear space they form the progression of the super-fractalon of the three-dimensional time or three-dimensional space.

If this is, then we can derive a quantum length from Planck time (Tp)and a quantum time from Planck length(Lp). So if we apply the super-fractalon relationship we get the cube of Planck time is the quantum length sense Planck time is in linear time, and we get the cube of Planck length for the quantum time sense Planck length is in linear space.

We will use the gravitational constant (G), Planck’s constant (h) and the speed of light (c) to get the Planck units, pi = π = 3.14159265359…

Lp = (((h*G)/(2*pi*c^(3)))^(1/2))

Lp = (((6.62607004*10^(-34)*6.67408*10^(-11))/(2*pi*299792458^(3)))^(1/2))

Lp= =1.616228373080886170627068069683607458454173204620531137889120363429677806631830954884712436347340103817242902089986800485261865493*10^(-35) meters (m)

Tp = (((h*G)/(2*pi*c^(3)))^(1/2))/299792458

Tp = (((6.62607004*10^(-34)*6.67408*10^(-11))/(2*pi*299792458^(3)))^(1/2))/299792458

Tp= =5.391157549003071220114109974319659030428888256490198755730940914563226959604937609486868533388321943099859110164762051770034406579*10^(-44) seconds (s)

If we divide a quantum length (Lq) by a quantum time (Tq)we get the quantum speed (Vq), since Planck time cubed is in seconds cubed, which with the super-fractalon relationship gives linear meters as a quantum length. Planck length cubed is in cubic meters which with the super-fractalon relationship gives linear seconds or the quantum time, thus, the quantum speed in meters per second and is:

Super-Fractalon supposition:

(or the super-fractalon relationship of space and time):

Tp³=Lq … Lp³=Tq

Lq = Tp³ = (5.391157549003071220114109974319659030428888256490198755730940914563226959604937609486868533388321943099859110164762051770034406579*10^(-44))^(3)

Lq=1.566917283562288591339170029515149133990549758043417840239406542389843822212237742028547723021121989558823957555706784294721431647*10^(-130) m

The radius of relativistic influance of our universe (Lr) or the Theibert radius is simply the inverse of (Lq):


Lr=6.381957812901025951219833265230560122396332725688466352853584650489761740985968609013069965710453251453788499835308217368193188562*10^(129) m

Lr=6.381957812901025951219833265230560122396332725688466352853584650489761740985968609013069965710453251453788499835308217368193188562*10^(129)/9460730472580800 m/light year

Lr= 6.745734730946295240833780342836654230904274986471199051446074648919322606590302567518599522141605929060446895559205252955772554505*10^(113) light years


Tq=4.221902307612738884815106144864601068163173983697248318861574266717695677791151318801422230338757212089726409893180752320536991495*10^(-105) s

The total time frame of our universe (Tf) or the Theibert time frame is simply the inverse of (Tq).


Tf=2.368600519715594252611631058735501563167243123400882490791813210142994703368436007140109621184692314781390437796877470241076956185*10^(104) s

Tf=2.368600519715594252611631058735501563167243123400882490791813210142994703368436007140109621184692314781390437796877470241076956185*10^(104)/31557600 s/year

Tf=7.505642126510236052841886134355912880470134368269077784089452968993189289960060356744839978910602564141095767095335102292560131902*10^(96) years


Vq=3.711401092196983928708740113962473304140067574598432274324375697092790110643368344422268627493787660884541499784976388481222870322*10^(-26) m/s

If we use the quantum speed instead of the speed of light in Maxwell’s equation for the speed of light we get.


Solving for p we get:


Solving for p we get:

Vq =(Uo*Eo)^p

Ln(Vq) =Ln((Uo*Eo)^p)


p= ln((((((6.62607004*10^(-34)*6.67408*10^(-11))/(2*pi*299792458^(3)))^(1/2))/299792458)^(3))/(((((6.62607004*10^(-34)*6.67408*10^(-11))/(2*pi*299792458^(3)))^(1/2)))^(3)))/ln((4*pi*10^(-7)*(1/(299792458^(2)*4*pi*10^(-7)))))

p = 1.5

Since the quantum speed was derived from imperfect estimates of the Planck time and Planck length it is reasonable to assume that the exact quantum speed would be derived with p=1.5:


Uo = 4*pi*10^(-7)

Eo = 1/(299792458^(2)*4*pi*10^(-7))




=3.711401092196983928708740113962473304140067574598432274324375697092790110643368344422268627493787660884541499784976388481222870322*10^(-26) m/s

Another way to look at the quantum speed is that an object going the quantum speed would take one billion years to go about 1.1712 nanometers. Using the quantum speed we can derive the virtual speed of light (cv):




Cv=299792457.9999999999999999999999999628859890780301607129125988603752669585993242540156772567562430290720988935663165557773137250621 m/s

Cv=299792457.9…[25]…9628859890780301607129125988603752669 m/s

where [25] is the total number of repeated 9s.

The beta value of c for the virtual speed of light is:

beta =Cv/c

beta = Cv/c =

=299792457.999999999999999999999999962885989078030160712912/299792458 =

beta = =0.9999999999999999999999999999999998762009852763879760874838285624917222

beta = 0.9…[33]…98762009852763879760874838285624917222

where [33] is the total number of repeated 9s.

where gamma is the Lorentz factor:


Where v is the velocity of the electron. The setting we get: v = Cv



gamma= 6.3551588151133132124020856469071262952803201063776665615091086591510038720488107748323504096233453*10^(16)

That is a Lorentz factor of about 63.551588151133132 quadrillion.

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